Curricular Practical Training | Office of Visa and Immigration Services

Posted by Valeria Galgano on Thursday, June 13, 2024

Certain graduate degree programs offer internship course(s) or require internships for the degree.  Go to the Guarini School website for a list of internship courses at Dartmouth.  OVIS will be able to authorize Curricular Practical Training ("CPT") for graduate students who are enrolled in an internship course and who submit a complete CPT Request form in iDartmouth.

Tuck students will need to use the Tuck CPT Request form in iDartmouth.

For graduate CPT requests students will need to submit:

  • Copy of employment offer letter (see below for details)
  • Copy of the front and back of most recent I-94 card (if entry to the U.S. by land), or I-94 record printout (if entry to the U.S. by air or sea).

Please allow sufficient time for review and processing of your CPT request. We recommend submitting your request at least one month before the beginning date of your internship.

Criteria for CPT authorization in the final term of the academic program

The Guarini School maintains a list of courses approved by Dartmouth for Curricular Practical Training (CPT) work authorization.  Individual academic programs have specific guidelines on eligibility for course enrollment, including when the course can be taken, if it can be taken more than once, and required deliverables.

Depending on the academic program, some graduate students who pursue a thesis or dissertation may be permitted to enroll in a CPT-eligible course in order to engage in an internship with a third-party employer in order to successfully complete their thesis or dissertation research. 

OVIS will consider authorizing CPT for a student in the final term under the following circumstances:

  • The student has an approved Master's thesis or Ph.D. dissertation proposal;
  • The student meets the eligibility requirements for the CPT-eligible course in their academic program;
  • The internship at the third-party employer is necessary for the student to successfully complete his or her thesis or dissertation research.
  • Enrollment in the course and participation in the internship will not delay the student's degree completion.
