Merge Mansion is a popular puzzle game developed by Metacore Games OY in which players must help Maddie renovate the old Boulton family estate while also uncovering the family history. The entire house is separated into different areas, each with multiple tasks to complete.
Players must create the required items by merging tools, decorations, and more. Soap is one such item necessary for a mission in the game's first area, "The Grand Drive," and many novice players have difficulty obtaining this item. This is not owing to the complexity of merging it but rather to the player's inexperience.
The next section will walk you through obtaining a Soap in the Merge Mansion and then merging it to make the necessary items.
Guide to obtaining Soap in the Merge Mansion
Soap is one of the Detergent items that you can receive as a drop from the Broom Cabinet in the Merge Mansion. However, this Broom Cabinet must be at least level four and above to receive the drops. In many instances, you can receive the Soap directly as a drop or will have to create one by merging two Toothpastes.
On top of this, Detergent can be obtained from the Red Box in the Merge Mansion, or you may also purchase these from the Shop when available during the Flash Sale. Be that as it may, the latter option will require the expenditure of the in-game currency.
The merging stages for the Detergent items in the game are as follows:
- Level 1: Toothpaste
- Level 2: Soap
- Level 3: Liquid Soap
- Level 4: Power Detergent
- Level 5: Softener
- Level 6: Turpentine
- Level 7: Polishing Wax
It is important to note that the drop rate of the Soap from the Broom Cabinet is lower than that of the Cleaning Tools. However, this reduced drop rate should not be much of a problem as during gameplay, you will have to extensively use the Broom Cabinet to get Cleaning Tools, ending up with quite a few Soaps in the process.
How to get Broom Cabinet in the Merge Mansion
You must clearly understand the process of acquiring the Cabinet first, as it is the primary source of Soap and Cleaning Tools. Essentially, parts of this source are scattered around the merging board and can be obtained from the Fancy Blue Chest and the Shop.
You can merge these items to create a Cabinet Frame (Level 4) or a higher-level item like the Cabinet and Professional Broom Cabinet to receive drops of Cleaning Tools and Detergent.
At higher levels, you will receive more drops every recharge, but the recharge duration and stack up stay almost the same. You may ruminate on the benefits of leveling up the Broom Cabinet after a certain level.
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