Honkai Star Rail is due to receive update 1.1 very soon. This version of the title will feature a ton of fresh content, including three new characters named Luocha, Silver Wolf, and Yukong. All three units are sure to draw the interest of players worldwide once they arrive in the game, thanks to their unique designs and abilities.
Developer HoYoverse has now shared details about the release dates of these new characters. They will start arriving right at the start of version 1.1.
Silver Wolf, Luocha, and Yukong to be released simultaneously across all servers in version 1.1 of Honkai Star Rail
According to HoYoverse, the Silver Wolf banner is scheduled for the first half of version 1.1. Silver Wolf will be released at the start of the patch and will be available to summon in the Stellar Warp banner until June 28, 2023.
The second half of version 1.1 in Honkai Star Rail will feature a banner change, with Luocha taking the place of Silver Wolf as the boosted 5-star unit. Yukong will also be featured in this banner as a 4-star unit. The two units will be available from the end of Silver Wolf’s banner until July 18, 2023.
Countdown to track Silver Wolf release
Countdown to track Luocha release
Countdown to track Yukong release
It should be kept in mind that the trio are limited units and will not be making appearances in the permanent banner anytime soon. Players should ration their resources accordingly before attempting to chase Luocha or Silver Wolf.
Honkai Star Rail was released worldwide on March 26, 2023, for PC and mobile platforms. It is a turn-based RPG from the creators of Genshin Impact, featuring characters from the Honkai Impact series of mobile games. A PlayStation port is also in development and is due to be released later this year.
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