Porsha Williams Tackles Maternal Mortality By Shedding Light On The Story Of Shaasia Washington And

Posted by Trudie Dory on Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Porsha Williams has decided to use her large social media platform to bring awareness to a significant health issue that black women face.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta star took to social where she highlighted the sad story of Shaasia Washington, a 26-year-old Black woman, who died on July 3rd.

According to Washington’s partner, Juwan Lopez, she died during childbirth at a Brooklyn hospital while undergoing a C-section.

Her family members believe that she was killed by doctors who failed to care for her.

Porsha had this to say on the matter: “#BlackMothersMatter ✊🏾🥺❤️ These numbers are real! We must be heard, believed and cared for with the utmost respect! We must demand better healthcare for our black and brown sisters! #JusticeForSha-Asia 🙏🏾Rip Queen @marchofdimesga.”

This follower stated: “This is one of the reasons why I want to become a nurse. I want to make sure that our black women are being treated and cared for properly. There’s no reason why she had to lose her life. Heartbreaking 💔💔💔💔😔.”


This backer wrote: “😢😢😢😢 I was neglected by my healthcare provider, but because I was only 20 weeks when I gave birth, per Florida laws I can’t sue .. so I have to live with the heartache of not having my baby girl with me now, she was due 07/06/2020. I’ve always said that when it comes to medical care, Black people face a layer of systemic racism. We aren’t treated with the same care, urgency, we aren’t believed &, etc. especially when you don’t have insurance.”


Another supporter said this: “Sounds like she was suffering from pre-eclampsia… I had it too and was placed on bed rest and was ultimately induced because my pressure was so elevated. It sounds her situation was similar. God bless that motherless newborn, and may God heal this broken father’s spirit. May she Rest In Peace.”

This Instagrammer wrote: “Don’t give birth in the hospital. Visit a birthing center. Watch Documentary The Business of Giving Birth by Rikki Lake. This is so heartbreaking 😪 I choose a home birth for my son after working on the corporate side of healthcare and witnessing the lack of care provided to black women.”

This social media user chimed in: “That’s why I never like woodhull hospital. I grew up in bedstuy with Woodhull being down the block from my building where I used to live…wow so sad.My condolences to the father the baby and her family🙏🏾.”


Porsha’s activism is inspiring to her fan.
