Brandon Hagel, a rising star in the NHL and a key offensive asset for the Lightning, has captured the hearts of fans with his impressive skills on the ice. Yet, beyond the rink, there's a side of him that's closely tied to family and love. Enter Gabriella Dini, a figure shrouded in privacy but with a significant presence in Hagel's life.
Born on Jul. 29, 1999, to David and Laura Dini, Gabriella grew up in a tight-knit household along with her sister Taylor and brothers Gianni and Frank. Taylor, a well-known professional stylist and fashion writer with a substantial Instagram following, provides a glimpse into her family's stylish world.
Interestingly, the Dini family isn't unfamiliar with ice hockey, thanks to Gabriella's brother Gianni, who's played for the University of Alabama's team.
Gabriella attended Adlai E. Stevenson High School and graduated with a degree in strategic communications and fashion entrepreneurship from Miami University in 2021, even earning a spot on the Dean's List in 2017.
Dini's journey took her to become a social media marketing manager at Paramount Lead Solutions in Jun. 2022. Additionally, she's a blogger and model, her modeling stint taking off in 2015 when she graced the pages of Miami University's UP Magazine, a student-led fashion and lifestyle publication.
Although Gabriella Dini keeps a low profile, her connection with Brandon Hagel paints a picture of mutual support and shared values. As Hagel continues to shine on the ice, Dini thrives in her own professional and personal endeavors, embodying a partnership that balances love, ambition and family ties.
More about Gabriella Dini and Brandon Hagel's love story
The origins of Gabriella Dini and Brandon Hagel's romance remain unknown, but their social media interactions hint at a relationship that took root around 2021. Hagel gave the world a glimpse of their connection during the festive season of 2021, sharing a heartwarming snapshot of the couple together on Christmas.
Dini solidified their bond on Instagram in Oct. 2021 by posting a selfie featuring her beloved beau. Since then, the couple's love story has unfolded through various snapshots, capturing their shared moments in vacations and outings. Notably, in Sept. 2022, the duo ventured to Las Vegas for a memorable getaway, showcasing their strong affection.
While the details of their initial meeting remain shrouded, their social media chronicles offer a captivating peek into the journey of Gabriella Dini and Brandon Hagel, highlighting their joyous experiences and shared adventures.
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